Most of my best childhood memories involve my grandparents. They were there at every school play, birthday party, and holiday. When my sisters and I wanted to take music lessons but my parents did not have a piano, my grandparents loaned us theirs and helped to pay for our lessons. To this day, when I sit at a piano or when I sing, I think about my grandparents and the ways they have contributed to my life and the lives of my family. When I graduated from Gordon College in 2012 and first had the opportunity to work for Family Estate Planning Law Group, I discovered the opportunity to help our clients pass on this same sort of legacy to their loved ones. I love hearing our clients tell stories about their children and grandchildren and enjoy helping them implement their plan as part of the legacy they will leave behind them.

Over the years working here at FEPLG, I have also discovered a passion for building systems and structures that allow us to serve our clients better.  When our team has the resources they need, whether systems, training, or technology, they are unleashed to care for families well.  And that’s what it is all about here at FEPLG – caring for families when it matters most.

Kristin M. Carroll is the firm’s Chief Executive Officer and started with the firm in 2012. After taking a year at home following the birth of her second son, she returned in January 2018.  Kristin also teaches for the Client Care Academy, a program designed to help other law firms create and sustain client care programs.

A graduate of Gordon College, Kristin holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies with a minor in Psychology. Outside of the office she enjoys reading, music, exploring the beautiful outdoors, and almost anything that involves good coffee or engaging conversations (especially both at the same time). She currently resides in the Merrimac Valley with her husband and two boys.